Not Always Cold Storage

We definately think that the right way to store vegetables is to put into the refrigerator to keep it fresh. But it was not all foods can be stored in the refrigerator. Here are five examples:
1.      Tomato

Technically tomato is a fruit, but closer is referred to as a vegetable. If you've planted tomatoes, then you will know that tomatoes love the heat and hate the cold. Apparently even after being picked, tomatoes still can not stand the cold. The fridge is not a suitable place to store tomatoes. Tomatoes stored in the refrigerator to wither and although it still can be used for cooking, but not to be eaten fresh. Keep it on the kitchen table (but not in direct sunlight) and enjoy the time was ripe.

2.      Basil

Just like tomato, basil also like the heat, so if stored in a cool place would cause the basil wilt prematurely. Basil will be in a condition best if kept on the kitchen table and treated like fresh flowers. Handful of basil can be stored in a cup of water (change the water every day or every other day) and away from sunlight. Wrap loosely with a plastic bag to keep it moist (but make sure the plastic has a hole for the entrance of fresh air).

3.      Potato

Potatoes are well kept at a cool temperature but not cold temperatures can make frozen. Potatoes are well kept in a temperature of about 7.2 degrees Celsius, about 10 degrees warmer than the refrigerator in general. Most of us do not have a cellar (the dark and cold temperature to store root vegetables such as potato tubers), so storing potatoes in a paper bag in a cool place (like a closet food) is the best.
Why paper? Because paper has more pores for benapas, unlike plastic. So potatoes will not rot easily. And why not a refrigerator? Storing potatoes in the refrigerator can convert the starch into simple sugars, which can affect the taste, texture, and process maturity.

4.      Onions

Onions out of the ground with a thin protective skin. To create and maintain a thin layer of skin, onions need a "cure" and stored in a dry place such as food storage cabinets, which are not selembap refrigerator. In addition, the lack of air circulation can make a rotten onion. Therefore below should not be stored near potatoes, which emit gases and moisture and can cause onion rot faster.
Keep onions in cold rooms, dry, dark and well ventilated. (Light can cause a bitter taste of onions). But not all the onions should be treated equally. Leek and chives have a high water content and more easily damaged, so it must be stored in the refrigerator.

5.      Avocado

When we buy a rock-hard avocado, avocados do not store it in the refrigerator, as it will slow down the process of maturation. But if we have avocados that are ripe and will not be consumed immediately, keep it in the refrigerator to prevent rapid decay. So the core is in storage avocado, avocados are not ripe store in a closet, and store avocados are ripe when the fruit is in the fridge will not be eaten right away.

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